Virginia Group Homes For Adults With Disabilities is Best 21 Century Business
Get Consultation NOW! Visit our website at / and PH: 800.214.2611 Pursuant to §37.2-405, DBHDS licenses public and private providers of community services throughout Virginia. DBHDS licenses services that provide treatment, training, support and habilitation to individuals who have mental illness, developmental disabilities or substance abuse disorders, to individuals receiving services under the Medicaid DD Waiver, or to individuals receiving services in residential facilities for individuals with brain injuries. NBHS of Georgia is one of the world’s leading management consulting firms. We work with everyday people to help them plan differently, create residual income and realize business ownership. With more than 20 years of industry experience – we have empowered hundreds and even thousands to turn in keys and badges, realized new titles like owner and CEO, also to employ a lifestyle they never envisioned. Our personal care business models include but ar...